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The 2nd Scientific Conference on Participatory Design is coming

It's time for the 2nd Scientific Conference on Participatory Design of participatory LAB and Commonspace Co-op.

Two years ago, the 1st Conference, with more than 300 participants, was the first large-scale meeting focusing on participatory design in Greece. This year, it is coming back aiming to take the dialogue one step further, focusing on the modern city. On the one hand, to understand, recognize, map and present its transformations, inequalities and contrasts. On the other hand, to explore, experiment and co-construct policies and projects for the transformation of the city, housing and everyday life with a view to social and environmental justice.

We call for an exchange of views, presentation of research approaches and highlighting of experiences and practices focusing on the following themes:

🟡 Public Space

🟢 Environment and Climate Crisis

🟣 Socio-spatial Inequalities and Spatial Justice

🔵 Urban Development and Governance

Part of the conference is the Forum "Research Dialogues" addressed to:

  • Researchers who are in the early years of his/her engagement (<10 years), on topics relevant to the conference.

  • Artists and artists, whose work is related to research and topics of the conference.

  • Any individual or group involved at an experimental or professional level with the themes of the conference.

Register via this link on the website

Stay tuned for the latest news and see you in October at the amazing PLYFA multi-purpose venue.

The 2nd Scientific Conference of the Participatory LAB is funded by the Environmental Conservation Organization under priority axis 2 of the funding programme "External Actions, Natural Environment and Innovative Actions 2023".


Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

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The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".

Ασκληπιού 91,

11742, Αθήνα

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