Schooolture for Climate Change has come to an end after 14 months of successful implementation, two pilot educational programs in Greece and Poland, a Guide for teachers on the use of participatory methods in the educational process and an excellent collaboration of Commonspace Co-op and Fundacja Rozwoju Edukacji Spatia !
It was a great learning journey for both the associate schools and the project partners, through which we deepened and enriched our knowledge around Participatory Design and how it can be used for Climate Action within school communities.
The final result of the project was the creation of an original guide for teachers.
The guide is a short version that gathers knowledge about Participatory Planning, its tools and methodologies as well as how they can be used in the school environment and specifically in Primary Education. It is intended to be an easy-to-use and practical manual so that teachers themselves can follow clear steps in order to implement a participatory design program in their classroom.
Key objectives
● To be a source of inspiration for educational communities in relation to the importance of action against climate change
● To enrich the educational field with experiences from the field of design and other experiences from abroad.
● To introduce basic methodologies and approaches in relation to participatory planning and participatory processes in general.
● To provide concrete steps and examples for the implementation of a participatory design program in the school community.
It can be used by educators, parent and guardian associations as well as any artistic, cultural, environmental or research group active with children and school communities.
The guide has been developed with structured steps, relevant material and examples so that it can support participatory actions in schools, from the scale of urban planning of the front yard or neighborhood to the co-creation of cultural and environmental actions on climate adaptation change through artistic approaches and practices.
All the final results of the project are publicly posted with free access for download and use by anyone interested!
You can find the following links:
• Guide (Greek, English, Polish)
• Participatory projects (Greek, English, Polish)
• Final design resulting from the pilot training program in Greece (in Greek)
• Summary report of the implementation of the pilot training programs (English)
Erasmus+ project results platform
Participatory LAB repository
