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The participatory LAB is an active interdisciplinary community that studies, documents, learns, disseminates and applies participatory design processes for public space, with the aim of adapting cities to climate change.

It is part of a wider Commonspace initiative aimed at creating participatory design methodologies and supporting tools that support climate change adaptation plans, projects and actions. 

The Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation consists of: 

  • professionals involved in the planning of public space (architects, planners, land planners, agronomists, social scientists, etc.)

  • people from the public sector who are responsible for planning, monitoring and supervising climate change adaptation projects and actions

  • scientists working on climate change issues (in particular the urban heat island phenomenon)

  • individuals and groups actively involved in participatory public space planning

Participatory processes appear mainly in the second half of the 20th century, adapted to a wide range of issues and policies, through the eyes of different scientific specialties (economists, environmentalists, sociologists). Historically, they have appeared in various forms, from social and market research to spatial development policies and spatial planning based on participatory decision-making processes.

It is a logic of "bottom-up" governance and is based on the idea that it is a democratic right of those influenced by a decision to participate in the planning and decision-making process from the beginning.

When participatory planning is used to climate change adaptation, the benefits through innovative tools and processes can:

  • monitor and record data related to climate change with the participation of the public together with experts

  • develop climate change risk management plans in a more holistic way

  • promote more effective action plans to prevent such risks

  • inform and raise awareness of citizens effectively and democratically around climate change, with the ultimate goal of mobilizing them to address the causes that aggravate it locally.

Data collection
Conflict resolution
Decision making
Projects Implementation
Policy Making

Through the participation of citizens and organizations, the following are sought and can be achieved:

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εργαλεια και πλατφ

Participatory planning platform

Map of Cases

Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

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The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".

Ασκληπιού 91,

11742, Αθήνα

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