participatory LAB - Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".
Scientific Conference: 19-21 November 2021
Participatory Design: City, Environment and Climate Change.
Experiences, Challenges and Potentials

Access to decision-making processes for planning and policies regarding the environment, cities and space has been at the forefront of the public discourse in recent years. Ranging from international organizations and academic research to local governments the notions of participation, transparency, and engagement of citizens have been gradually identified as essential for addressing today’s societal, economic, and environmental challenges. In New Urban Agenda (2016), and specifically in article 13, it is described the vision for cities that are “are participatory […] prioritize safe, inclusive, accessible, green and quality public spaces”. The Paris Agreement (2019), which is an important roadmap bidding governments to adopt measures to tackle the climate crisis, states that “adaptation action should follow a country-driven, gender-responsive, participatory and fully transparent approach, taking into consideration vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems”. The report of the European Committee of the Regions (2016) focuses on the need to strengthen the participatory decision-making process to improve quality and transparency at the local, national and European level so that citizens own the policies and planning adopted. At the local level, Municipalities are gradually beginning to integrate participatory processes into all aspects of city governance. From the design of public space and the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to the financial planning and budget of the Municipalities. Along with these "top-down" transformations, social movements and groups of citizens are pressing for more "bottom-up" approaches, demanding their active participation in the governance of cities and challenging urban boosterism agendas and policymaking. In Europe, the last years, numerous are the case of inclusive design and participatory design processes in different scales of design and governance.
In Greece, participation in decision-making processes around spatial planning or policy-making issues remains limited. Despite the changes of recent years, the dozens of groups dealing with empowerment issues, the concept of "participation" has remained a process with limited institutionalization.
In the context of spatial and environmental planning, a number of studies have been done, in which institutional participatory procedures are found. (eg. Regional Climate Change Adaption Plans, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans). The concept of participatory planning is articulated, but its effective integration has not been sufficiently implemented. The use of participatory methodologies has remained insufficient or optional and other existing participation tools (eg. local referendums) are often bypassed.
The scientific conference “Participatory Planning: City, Environment and Climate Change” attempts to initiate a dialog regarding societal access to decisions through the planning and policy-making process for space and environment. The objective of the conference is to transfer international and European knowledge and past experiences, to showcase initiatives and good practices both in terms of citizens, groups-movements and of local governments. To study theories and methodologies of participatory design. To present and discuss the institutional initiatives of recent years, to see how they are evaluated. To highlight international and local (Greek) good practices and actions etc.
Call for Papers
In this context, and based on the topics that follow, we seek proposals, plans, studies, good practices, both from Greece and abroad, that promote the participatory processes in design and urban governance. We invite contributions that address but are not limited, to one or more of the following themes
Track 1: Theoretical and Methodological Issues of participatory planning
Track 2: The international and European experience
Track 3: Participation as the main pillar of the climate change adaptation
Track 4: Participatory processes, movements and civil society in Greece
Track 5: The role of Municipalities, the "institutional" dimension of participation in Greece
Track 6: Transparency and participation practices in the design of public space in Greece
Track 7: The urban and spatial planning system in Greece and the perspective of incorporating participatory processes.
Track 8: Digital participation tools
Track 9: Social participation technologies
Track 10: Participation in environmental and energy policy issues
Track 11: Sustainable Mobility and participation of local communities
Track 12: Participation of citizens in the planning and assessment of urban green and landscape
Track 13: Planning and participation in the state of pandemic
Track 14: Participatory design processes with children and adolescents
Track 15: Art and reclaiming of public space through participatory processes
Submission Guidelines
Participants can submit in Greek or in English a paper, a project, or propose their own session, based on the following guidelines. Participants should specify their desired tracks (1st Choice, 2nd Choice)
PAPERS. Abstract Submission
Abstracts can be submitted for any of the thematic tracks described above. The abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should be submitted in the following form:
PROJECTS. Description
Submit a small description of your project with up to three images (merged in one file). The descriptions should not exceed 300 words and should be submitted in the following form:
Images (max 1mb) should be submitted in .pdf or .jpg format through the submission form, including the following information: Caption, author, source. Images provided should be copyright-free.
SESSION. Special Session – Workshop Proposal
Participants can propose special sessions and workshops based on the conference thematic tracks or other based on the conference general theme of participatory design. Session organizers should submit an extended abstract of 700 words that describes the main ideas and concepts around the special session. The abstracts should be submitted in the following form:
Each organized session should have a minimum of 2 papers that will not be subject to the regular review cycle, the session organizers have full authority in soliciting and accepting papers for the session. Each Session organizer can designate a chair and a co-chair for the session. Only registered participants can be designated as a session chair to avoid no show onsite. The allocated presentation time for each session is 60 minutes including presentations and the time for questions from the audience.
Submit your abstracts, project descriptions and session proposals through the corresponding submission forms by September 23, 2021.
For any issue please contact and
There is no registration or submission fee.
Due to the uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided that “Participatory Planning: City, Environment and Climate Change” will run in hybrid mode, hence it will combine both in-person and virtual experience. This means that all resources and opportunities offered to conference delegates – both presenting and attending – will be equally available for those who decide to join us in Serafeio Athens and those that will be joining online.
We are strictly following all necessary space occupation and hygienic requirements to ensure that those wishing to come in person will be welcome by a safe environment. We are also taking necessary arrangements to ensure that all conference sessions – keynotes, parallel sessions, workshops etc. – will be live-streamed to give the chance to all our delegates to actively participate in the conference.
The selected works will be published in a volume of abstracts.
Organising committee
Thanos Andritsos, Architect-Urban Planner, Commonspace
Giouli Athousaki, Physicist AUTH, Commonspace
Anastasia Christaki, Architect-Urban Planner, Commonspace
Stefania Gyftopoulou, Architect, UIA Project Manager, MSc Building and Urban Design in Development
Platon Issaias, Programme Head, Projective Cities MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design, Diploma Unit Master, Architectural Association, School of Architecture
Emmy Karimali, Architect, MSc Urban Geography, PhD Candidate, Department of Urban and Regional Planning NTUA, Commonspace
Eleni Katrini, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Eleni Mougiakou, Agricultural Engineer, MSc Geoinformatics, PhD Candidate, Agricultural University of Athens, Commonspace, participatory LAB
Yannis Paraskevopoulos, Geoinformatics Engineer-Urban Planner, PhD Candidate, National Technical University of Athens, Commonspace
Dimitris Poulios, Architect-Urban Planner, PhD NTUA, Commonspace
Maria Sitzoglou, Architect- MSc in Urban Design, Participatory Planning and Child Friendly Cities Planning Consultant, ERDF - Urban Innovative Actions, Design Clips ΙΚΕ
Sofia Tsadari. Architect-Urban Planner, PhD NTUA, Commonspace
Sylvain Adam, Architect, Non-Profit Organisation APPUII (Alternatives pour des Projets Urbains Ici et à l’Internationnal)
Scientific committee
Nicholas Anastasopoulos, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture National Technical University of Athens, Scientific Coordinator of European H2020 project SoPHIA/ SOCIAL PLATFORM FOR HOLISTIC HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT
Thanos Andritsos, Architect-Urban Planner, Commonspace
Elia Apostolopoulou, Academic, University of Cambridge
Athina Arampatzi, Post-Doc Researcher (IKY-funded)
Evangelos Asprogerakas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly
Evangelia Athanasiou, Professor, Department of Architecture Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Eirini Gaitanou, PhD European and International Studies
Stefania Gyftopoulou, Architect, UIA Project Manager, MSc Building and Urban Design in Development
Eirini Iliopoulou, Architect, post-Doc researcher, Regional Development Institute, Panteion University
Polyxeni Iliopoulou, Professor, Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, University of West Attica
Platon Issaias, Programme Head, Projective Cities MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design, Diploma Unit Master, Architectural Association, School of Architecture
Ares Kalandides, Researcher, Inpolis Urbanism Berlin
Dimitra Kanellopoulou, Architect-engineer (NTUA), urban planner (ENPC), assistant professor École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Research Laboratories LIAT & UMR8504 Géographie-cités
Eleni Katrini, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Alexis Katsaros, MedINA
Yannis Kiousopoulos, Professor, Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, University of West Attica
Rena Klampatsea, Associate Professor, National Technical University of Athens
Aliki Kosyfologou, Phd in Political Science and Sociology, Gender and Social Policy Expert
Penny Koutrolikou, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Kostas Manolidis, Professor, Dept. of Architecture, University of Thessaly
Eleni Mougiakou, Agricultural Engineer, MSc Geomatics, PhD Candidate, Agricultural University of Athens, Commonspace, participatory LAB
Efthimios Mpakogiannis, Assistant Professor, School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Eleni (Lenio) Myrivili, Senior Advisor to the Mayor of Athens, Chief Resilience Officer, and Former Deputy Mayor, Atlantic Council Senior Fellow and Consultant for the AARF Resilience Center, Ass. Professor, University of the Aegean, Greece
Theodota Nantsou, WWF
Spyridoula Ntemiri, Chemical Engineer, Project Manager LIFE-IP AdaptInGR for the Green Fund and member of the project monitoring team of the "Innovative Actions with Citizens" Program of the Green Fund
Thanos Pagonis, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens
Maria Papafotiou, Professor, Director of Faculty of Crop Science, Agricultural University of Athens
Angeliki Paraskevopoulou, Associate Professor, Agricultural University of Athens
Argyro Paraskevopoulou, General Director of Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Region of Attica
Giorgos Patrikios, Associate Professor, Democritus University of Thrace
Dimitris Pettas, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning, Technical University of Berlin
Maria Pigaki, Researcher, School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Dimitris Poulios, Architect-Urban Planner, PhD NTUA, Commonspace
Alkistis Prepi, Architect, PhD Candidate National Technical University of Athens
Ioannis Psycharis, Professor, Director of Regional Development Institute
Nandia Siokou, Architect, Urban Dig Project
Maria Sitzoglou, Architect- MSc in Urban Design, Participatory Planning and Child Friendly Cities Planning Consultant, ERDF - Urban Innovative Actions, Design Clips ΙΚΕ
Anastasia Stratigea, Professor, School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, National Technical University of Athens
Vasso Trova, Professor, Dept. of Architecture, University of Thessaly
Sofia Tsadari, Architect-Urban Planner, PhD NTUA, Commonspace
Andreas Tsatsaris, Professor, Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, University of West Attica
Aristotle Tympas, Professor, Department of History and Philosophy of Science & Graduate Program 'Science, Technology, Society -- Science and Technology Studies', National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Fereniki Vatavali, Dr. Architect-Urban Planner, National Center Of Sociale Research
Giorgos Velegrakis, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National Kapodistrian University of Athens; Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, University of West Attica; Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas
Kostas Vourekas, Architect-Urban Planner, Commonspace
Sylvain Adam, Architect, Non-Profit Organisation APPUII (Alternatives pour des Projets Urbains Ici et à l’Internationnal)
Support from Academic Institutions:
National Technical University of Athens
Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, University of West Attica
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
School of Spatial Planning and Development, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

participatory LAB: Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
Participatory LAB is part of a broader COMMONSPACE initiative to create participatory methodologies and tools that support projects and actions related to climate change. The project focuses on the issues of cities’ build environment and green spaces adaptation to climate change. Participatory LAB project aims to create an active, interdisciplinary community that studies, documents, learns, disseminates, and implements participatory planning processes for public space. The participatory LAB consists of scientists and professionals dealing with different, multiple aspects of the subject. It envisions to create and support an important community of people, in critical positions, who place climate change adaptation and participatory planning at the heart of planning.
The conference is hosted at the Serafio of the Municipality of Athens (19 Ehelidon & 144 Piraeus).

The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".
