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Online seminar: Democratic Landscape Transformation


We invite you to join us for another co-creative seminar exploring pathways to democratic landscape transformation.

We start on April 3rd with weekly sessions, every Wednesday from 18:00 to 19:30 CET.


Just join in and be part of our shared online journey!


The seminar is supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union entitled DemocraticLandscape Transformation: Towards an Open Landscape Academy (OLA).

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Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

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The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".

Ασκληπιού 91,

11742, Αθήνα

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