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New Project EUTH CLIMATE, Erasmus+ Youth


We are excited to announce the launch of the Erasmus + Youth projectnamed EUTH CLIMATE and we invite you to join us.

šŸ“Œ The main objective of the project is to enhance young people's participation in the climate change (CC) discussion and to mobilise them to plan actions at local scale. The project focuses on European regions with limited access to services such as health, transport and education. It is a project implemented with partners from Italy (@Fa bene) and Serbia (Caritas Aleksinac).

šŸŒ± How can we create a dialogue around climate change among young people and activists? How can we organise a participatory workshop or a participatory communication campaign on climate change issues?

šŸ‘‰ If you are working on climate change issues, working with young people,studying in the fields of architecture, urban planning, urban design,environment, we invite you to participate in the online training workshops:

šŸ—“ The courses programme:

1. Module 1 - What is climate change?

Wednesday 29/3/2023, 18:00-19:30 (CET) (19:00-20:30 local time)

2. Module 2 - Civic engagement & youth

Wednesday 5/4/2023, 18:00-19:30 (CET) (19:00-20:30 local time)

3. Module 3 - Communication/awareness raising of a participatory project

Wednesday 12/4/2023, 18:00-19:30 (CET) (19:00-20:30 local time)

4. Module 4 - Practice is better than ideas

Wednesday 26/4/2023, 18:00-19:30 (CET) (19:00-20:30 local time)

*This series of training workshops will be implemented in English.

**More face-to-face training workshops and meetings will follow focused on specific topicsand areas of Attica.



Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

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The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".

ΑσκληπιοĻ 91,

11742, ΑθĪ®να

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