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Launch of the Horizon Europe Fairville project!


We are pleased to announce our participation in the European project FAIRVILLE, a Research and Innovation Action funded by the EU programme Horizon Europe and coordinated by CNRS LAVUE (France).

The project Fairville (Facing Inequalities and Democratic Challenges through Co-production in Cities) aims to address embedded urban inequalities and the challenges they pose to democracy in large cities and urban regions. It will do so by intervening in neighbourhoods that face socio-spatial, economic, and environmental injustices. Working across 8 Fairville Labs - in Greece, Germany, Belgium, Romania, Senegal, Egypt, UK, and France - the project will assess the potential of deep co-production of research, data collection, knowledge production and action research, in redefining planning policy, service delivery and local democratic pacts.

The idea that urban, social and environmental policies should not be made “for” populations but rather “with” them is a potentially profound engine of social transformation and empowerment and it’s at the core of our research and action.

The kick-off meeting took place in Nanterre (France) at the end of February and allowed us to define with our partners the next steps that you will hear about soon.

For now, we invite you to visit the brand-new website of the Fairville project -where you can also subscribe to our newsletter- and follow us on social media:

Fairville Team



Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

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The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".

Ασκληπιού 91,

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