What makes an urban landscape democratic? And for Whom? What cultural, social, and economic backgrounds are discovered by walking through the Agricultural University wider neighborhood? How does democracy relate to urban greening and climate resilience? How can we create democratic, open and sustainable public spaces?
Open Landscape Academy meets Urban Heat Watch and Med_Net Working group in May at the Agricultural University of Athens!
We are happy to announce that the Agricultural University of Athens is co-organizing with the commonspace coop a week of intensive courses and events on the concepts of landscape, democracy, sustainability, and urban greening through the conversation of two projects from 24/5 to 31/5.
Some information about the projects
OLA - Democratic Landscape Transformation: Towards an Open Landscape Academy is an Erasmus+ project that aims to open a dialogue on participation and landscape democracy within universities, researchers, practitioners and local communities involved in the public space discourse.
For more information, click here
Urban Heat Watch is a participatory research action project aiming to create a node of knowledge for urban green and climate change. The lead organisation is the Agricultural University of Athens, and the Region of Attica participates as a partner. The research includes extensive fieldwork, mapping with thermal and optical UAS (drone), exploring the Urban Ecosystem Services, questionnaires and participation processes.
For more information click here

*The events and the intensive seminar will be held in English.
**A parallel exhibition of students of the two-year MSc "Landscape Architecture" of the Agricultural University will take place, entitled "Fresh perspectives in Landscape Architecture".
Detailed information on the programmes of the events will follow.