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Participatory LAB project aims to create an active, interdisciplinary community that studies, documents, learns, disseminates, and implements participatory planning processes for the climate change adaptation of cities. 

The project "participatory LAB" is financed by the Green Fund within the framework of priority axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the financing program "Natural environment & innovative actions 2020".




Adaptation to Climate Change

Work team

Community of practice

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1. Skills development
2. Drivers / Tools
3. Case studies

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Data collection

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Conflict resolution

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Decision making

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Projects Implementation

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Policy making

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Participatory LAB is part of a broader commonspace initiative to create participatory methodologies and tools that support projects and actions related to climate change. The project focuses on the issues of cities’ build environment and green spaces adaptation to climate change. 

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